NASA Might Be Close To Proving The Existence Of A "Death Star" In Our Solar System've always assumed our sun was the only star in our solar system, but maybe not. We might be in a binary system, with a brown dwarf hiding in the Oort cloud. And it might be bombing us with comets.

The star, called as Nemesis, or "The Death Star," has been theorized for a while. But now NASA's new satellite, WISE, could be capable to prove its existence for the first time. The theory was developed to make clear the waves of mass extinctions on Earth, every 26 million years for the past 250 million years. Comets may be to blame for these die-offs also the Death Star may be aiming them at us.

Just the other day, a suicidal "sun-grazing" comet went flying into our sun in a death leap that NASA was capable to observe as it happened.

So if we are capable to prove that Nemesis does exist, and its irregular orbit around our own sun is causing frequent comet attacks, then the next thing will be for our greatest defense experts, counting Michael Bay, to come up with a plan to neutralize it. There has to be an unprotected vent on the thing somewhere.

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